5 Amazing Coding Projects That Could Help You Boost Your Skills

Stanislava Stoeva
2 min readMay 2, 2023


Photo by Mika Baumeister on Unspash

If you have programming experience, you know how rapidly the industry evolves. Staying up-to-date with the latest technology is vital regardless of your level of expertise. If you are searching for innovative project ideas, I can provide suggestions to pique your interest. These concepts are either part of my Portfolio or are popular among other developers, and they will motivate and challenge you. Please continue reading for further details.

E-Commerce site

I have developed an exceptional e-commerce app for galleries called ArtGallery. This platform provides a seamless experience for users to buy art and book exhibition events effortlessly. The app is constructed using C# and MVC, with HTML & CSS to enhance the user interface. We also utilized the robust Entity Framework Core for the database. ArtGallery is an excellent resource for those looking to improve their skills as a .NET Developer.


I recently created a travel blog using ReactJS, HTML, and CSS; it was a fantastic experience. With the help of this project, I have expanded my knowledge of ReactJS and discovered its limitless potential. If you plan on creating a blog or website, consider using ReactJS. This tool provides a wealth of creative opportunities and customization options that will take your project to the next level.

Portfolio website

I am excited to share a portfolio project that showcases my programming skills and previous work with potential employers. The website was expertly constructed using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and I am delighted with the impressive result.

To-Do App

I frequently come across the To-Do app, designed to help you track your daily tasks. Many developers use different tools to create this app and can take various approaches. Some developers use their existing skills to build the app. In contrast, others may use this project as an opportunity to learn something new, like combining React with Firebase to enhance their abilities.

Weather App

Developing a widely-used application that utilizes API is an excellent means of demonstrating your proficiency in JavaScript and broadening your expertise. This change suits beginners and experienced individuals who want to collaborate with APIs like Open Weather. It will enable you to acquire a more comprehensive understanding of API integration.

Have a nice day!

~ Stasi



Stanislava Stoeva

Junior Web Developer 💻 Interested in Web and Front-End