Why Learn C#? 5 Reasons To Learn It

Stanislava Stoeva
2 min readSep 22, 2021


There are many programming languages. Is C# worth it to learn? Reasons why you should choose C#

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It could be challenging to choose a programming language to learn as different languages have different purposes use. If you know what you want to build or do in the programming world, choosing what language you want to learn could be more accessible.

Short History for C#

C# is a high-level programming language developed from Microsoft by Anders Hejlsberg in 2000. In the early 4 years, .NET Framework and Visual Studion were closed-source but later changed to open source providing compiler and runtime environment. After Visual Studio and .Net Framework appeared, Visual Studio Code supports C#, open-source and cross-platform.

In addition, if you look at C# version 1.0, you will found it very similar to Java. That is why the language is modern, general-purpose, know as Object-Oriented Programming (OOP).

Simple and easy to start with and use

As an individual who wants to grow and develop in the IT industry, even when you become an expert, you spend your time reading and understanding code and sometimes writing it. So one of the essential skills that you need in programming is readability. That is why designers of a programming language should spend time to make sure that the actual language doesn’t get in the way of readability.

C# is easier to begin as it is somehow similar to English. As you go into the details of learning, you may find some of its features more difficult.

C# widly used to build different kinds of apps.

C# is one of the most used languages to build web, desktop, mobile, enterprise, games. C# one language that you will need to develop all those applications. This feature is one of the benefits of C#, which means that it is why it’s so popular.

Well-documented language

As you learn C#, you will be able to find a ton of information online. One of the places you can use is the official Microsoft documentation, and there is everything explained in regards to .NET and C#. Another place where you can search for answers is Stackoverflow if you need some help.

An Excellent programming foundation

C# as an Object-Oriented Programming and very similar to C, C++, Java and other OOP languages, will help you learn others easier.

Have a nice day!

~ Stasi



Stanislava Stoeva

Junior Web Developer 💻 Interested in Web and Front-End